10. Commercialization

This stage of the project comes down to monitoring work, monitoring timely invoicing of tasks, completing documentation and obtaining revenue.

7. Valuation

Valuation is an inherent element of the commercialization process. The valuation process is required when the customer wishes to make a one-time purchase of intellectual property rights.

6. Search for business partners

Customization of the offer to the needs of individual entrepreneurs. Active marketing initiatives – participation in trade fairs, contacts with investors, etc.

3. Evaluation and selection

Assessment of the invention patentability. Identification of the status of the intellectual property rights. Evaluation of the status of work on the project.

2. Project submission form to the TTO

In order to commence commercialization process, it is necessary to submit a project submission form to the TTO [podlinkowany). Note: Do not disclose the essence of the solution before submitting to the TTO.

1. Identification of research projects

Monitoring research projects and research results with commercial potential by the TTO UG. Researchers contact the TTO UG in order to obtain information on the commercialization process of the scientific solutions developed at the UG.