How to patent at UG?

Do you want to bring your innovation to life? However, you don’t know how to deal with the administration and the research patenting processes are unclear to you? At TTO, we will help you through the entire patenting process. We welcome all UG researchers wishing to patent their solutions.

application form

1. Your discovery/invention

Verify your discovery. You can apply for a patent if it is characterized simultaneously by:

  • novelty,
  • inventive step,
  • industrial applicability.

2. Application to TTO UG

We are here to help you obtain protection for your invention. Present it to us using the CTT UG Application Form and we will guide you through the entire procedure. You can patent: creations and substances, methods and applications.

3. Opinion of the UG patent attorney

The UG patent attorney, in cooperation with our team, performs a preliminary examination of the state of the art. This analysis allows us to determine whether filing your solution with the Patent Office is possible.

4. Choice of property protection model

With a positive opinion on the innovativeness of the project, we select an appropriate IP protection model. We also determine what the territorial scope of the patent should be (national, European, international procedure).

5. Patent application

The UG patent attorney works closely with you and your team during the preparation of the patent description and formulation of the patent claims. The very next day after you file your invention with the Office of the Patent and Trademark Office, it is protected - you can publish an article on it or present it at a conference.

6. Publication of the patent

Confirmation of the grant of a patent by the PPO is the publication of its description in the Patent Office News. So far, at the University of Gdansk we have prepared patent applications for 245 inventions created by UG researchers, and in 24 cases we have led to the registration of trademarks and utility models