How to set up a spin-off company

Why should you set up a UG spin-off company?

Spin-off companies are as diverse as the projects around which they are formed. That is why we treat each application individually. We tailor all conditions to the situation and the needs of UG researchers and scientific teams.

Step-by-step process for setting up a spin-off company

1. Your idea

Do you have an idea of how to use the results of your development work and research at UG in business? We can help you develop this idea! Get in touch with us.

2. Apply to UG Technology Transfer Office

Describe your commercialization idea in the application form. We will provide you with a consultation with a patent attorney and innovation brokers and any assistance you need.

3. Consultation and cooperation with Univentum Labs sp. z o.o.

It is time to negotiate the amount of shares and the conditions for setting up the business. At this stage we develop together a preliminary business plan and vision for the company's operations - your involvement can significantly speed up the whole process.

4. Company registration

Once the business specifics have been agreed, we move on to the company registration stage. All it takes is one visit to the notary - in which you participate together with the management of Univentum Labs sp. z o.o. - and you can start your business!

We are here for you! Specialists from UG TTO will help you build your company from the very beginning. Benefit from an extensive support package!