Intellectual Property

& Innovation Days

The second edition of the event, aimed at scientists creating innovations – this year organized under the slogan: “PATENTS, INNOVATIONS, ENTREPRENEURS – Science 4 Business cooperation”. We share knowledge about obtaining funding, protecting intellectual property and commercializing research results, and we facilitate networking between the worlds of science and business. We show how to work on useful innovations that have the potential to be implemented on the market. 

The event is a joint initiative of the Technology Transfer Offices of the University of Gdańsk, the Medical University of Gdańsk, and the Gdańsk University of Technology. Co-organised by the Analysis and Expertise Office of the University of Gdańsk.

The program of the second edition of Intellectual Property & Innovation DAYs includes lectures, workshops, discussion panels and meetings, consultations with experts – including representatives of companies that are open to cooperation with the world of science and representatives of Technology Transfer Offices. 

Find out how to obtain funding for pre-implementation work under the “Development Incubator” – the Science4Business project co-financed by the European Funds for the Modern Economy (FENG), protect the rights to inventions and research results, and how to effectively market them. Register for the event – participation in Intellectual Property & Innovation DAYs is free of charge. 


The event is organized under the patronage of


April 1st-3rd, 2025


Day 1 - UG headquarters
Day 2 - Medical University of Gdańsk headquarters
Day 3 – University of Technology headquarter

Who is it for?

For the academic community FarU and entrepreneurs


Tuesday, April 1st – Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, University of Gdańsk,
auditorium 1.14 and room 1.18 57 Wita Stwosza St., 80-308 Gdańsk 

Rejestrację na II i III dzień wydarzenia prowadzą bezpośrednio GUMed oraz PG – linki do formularzy rejestracyjnych znajdziesz tutaj (GUMed) i tutaj (PG).

Venue: auditorium 1.14

08:30 – 09:00

Welcome coffee 

09:00 – 09:05


Prof. Piotr Stepnowski, PhD


University of Gdańsk 

09:05 – 09:10


Marcin Marciniak, PhD, Professor at the University of Gdańsk 

Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science

University of Gdańsk

09:10 – 10:35

09:10 – 09:30

From idea to patent – trends  

Aneta Stuleblak


Polish Patent Office  

09:30 – 09:45

Development Incubator – How to get funding for innovative projects  

Katarzyna Gronowska

Director of the Technology Transfer Office

University of Gdańsk 

09:45 – 10:00

What can be done to ensure that innovation is applied in the real world? 

What do companies consider when implementing inventions and protecting intellectual property?  

dr Katarzyna Kujawska Skowrońska

Medical Manager/Access & Development Manager


10:00 – 10:20

Implementing innovation in large companies – obstacles and good practices 

Mateusz Linda

Head of AI


10:20 – 10:35

Technology vs. business – why and what do companies invest in? 

Przemysław Włoczkowski

Senior Head of Industry, High Tech & Electronics & Industrial Engineering


10:35 – 10:50

Coffee break 

10:50 – 11:10

Why you shouldn’t fall in love with your technology 

Arek Kwoska

CEO, Partner Zarządzający  REBELS VALLEY, VC

11:10 – 11:30

Investments in Innovation – a government grant program. 

Dorota Brzosko

Manager in the Investment Support Department of Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Monika Wójcik

Expert, Polish Investment and Trade Agency

11:30 – 11:50

Invest in innovation. European funding for research and development. 

Jolanta Kalisz i Magda Szwedowska

Main Information Point of the European Funds (PIFE) in Gdańsk

Marshal’s Office  

11:50 – 12:10

Is it possible to obtain funding for innovative research and implementation from Horizon Europe? 

Renata Downar-Zapolska

Manager of the Horizontal Contact Point for European Union Framework Programmes Northern Poland

Gdańsk University of Technology

12:10 – 12:25

Coffee break 

12:25 – 13:15

Discussion panel: 

Universities – Innovation – Business – how to cooperate effectively 

Katarzyna Kujawska-Skowrońska, PhD


Przemysław Włoczkowski

Sii /

Mateusz Linda


Arek Kwoska


Prof. Łukasz Rudnicki

International Center for the Theory of Quantum Technologies 

University of Gdańsk

Prof. Paweł Antonowicz

 University of Gdańsk

13:15 – 13:20

End of session

Technology Transfer Office

University of Gdańsk

13:20 – 13:50

Networking over lunch

Venue: room 1.18

14:00 – 14:40

Sztuka krótkich prezentacji – warsztaty

Interaktywny warsztat o tym jak przekonująco zaprezentować swój projekt przed komisją oceniającą, albo inwestorem.

Krzysztof Gulda

Member of the Management Board of UWRC, a special purpose vehicle, University of Warsaw 

14:50 – 15:30

Art of short presentations – Workshop

An interactive workshop on how to convincingly present your project to an evaluation committee or investor.

Krzysztof Gulda

Member of the Management Board of UWRC, a special purpose vehicle, University of Warsaw 

Venue: hall in front of the auditorium

08:30 – 13:30


Patenting, commercialization of inventions, funding of innovative research projects for scientists – Development Incubator program.

Centrum Transferu Technologii

Innovation Brokers, Patent Attorneys

University of Gdańsk

Funding of projects from the Development Incubator program.

Univentum Labs

a special purpose vehicle,

University of Gdańsk

Information on programs supporting the development of innovation, UG consortia with companies.

Support Office for Development Projects UG Project Incubator

University of Gdańsk

Funding of innovative research and implementation from the Horizon Europe program.

Horizontal Contact Point North Poland (HPK PP),

Gdańsk University of Technology

About the possibilities of co-financing the development of innovation in Pomerania from European Funds.

Main Information Point of European Funds

Marshal’s Office 


Co-financing of research and development projects of Pomeranian companies/

Pomeranian System of Information and Advisory Services SPEKTRUM 2030 /

DIH – Pomeranian Digital Innovation HUB.

Pomerania Development Agency

Government grant program for investments in research and development; regional support PAIH.

Polish Investment and Trade Agency


Prof. Piotr Stepnowski Rektor UG




Vice-Rector for Development and Finance


Manager in the Investment Support Department


Manager of the Horizontal Contact Point for European Union Framework Programmes Northern Poland


Director of the Technology Transfer Office


Member of the Management Board
UWR, a special purpose vehicle


Main Information Point of the European Funds (PIFE) in Gdańsk


CEO, Managing Partner


Head of AI


Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science

Lukasz Rudnicki


International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies

dr Katarzyna Kujawska Skowrońska


Medical Manager/Access & Development Manager




Main Information Point of the European Funds (PIFE) in Gdańsk


Senior Head of Industry, High Tech & Electronics & Industrial Engineering


Expert at the Regional Support Department

Wednesday, April 2nd – Medical University of Gdańsk 

Please note that the button above takes you to the GUMed website. Registration for Day 2 of the event is handled directly by the event organizer.

As part of the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & INNOVATION DAYS, the Medical University of Gdańsk plans to invite scientists to meetings with representatives of selected companies from the medical industry. 

Among the invited guests is Michał Gałęzowski, a representative of Ryvu Therapeutics, who will talk about “Cooperation between science and business in biotechnology: how to create value through research and protection of intellectual property”. 

Later in the event, Jolanta Gajewska, an expert from the Polish Patent Office, will share her knowledge and experience on the patenting process during a workshop. Workshop topics: 

  1. How to effectively search patent databases before a planned application

The workshop will focus on practical methods of searching databases to check the state of the art and assess the novelty of a solution. 

  1. Preparing a patent application from the perspective of an expert from the Polish Patent Office

The workshop will focus on the key aspects of properly preparing a patent application, including the most common mistakes and tips for dialoguing with experts from the Polish Patent Office.

Thursday, April 3rd – Gdańsk University of Technology 

Note: The button above takes you to the PG website. Registration for Day 2 of the event is handled directly by the event organizer.

During the event organized by the Technology Transfer Center of Gdańsk University of Technology, we will present the possibilities of cooperation between scientists and business representatives in the implementation of R&D projects – with the use of financing from, among others, the Development Incubator program. 

During the discussion panel, various models of cooperation and implementation of technology into industry will be presented. There will also be practical workshops on the examination of the state of the art and the assessment of the degree of development of innovative projects according to the IRL methodology, as well as consultations with employees of the CTT PG. 

In addition, during the Speed Meetings, we will invite scientists and entrepreneurs to exchange contacts and establish cooperation. 

Event partners

​​​Registration form



Registration for Day 1 of the Intellectual Property and Innovation event (April 1, 2025), organized by the University of Gdańsk

Registration for Days 2 and 3 of the event is handled directly by the Medical University of Gdańsk and the Gdańsk University of Technology – you can find links to the registration forms in the adjacent tabs.

Wednesday, April 2nd – Medical University of Gdańsk

Please note that the button above takes you to the GUMed website. Registration for Day 2 of the event is handled directly by the event organizer.

Thursday, April 3rd – Gdańsk University of Technology

Note: The button above takes you to the PG website. Registration for Day 2 of the event is handled directly by the event organizer.

Prof. Piotr Stepnowski Rektor UG

prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski

Corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Rector of the University of Gdansk since 2020, elected for a second term in 2024. He served as Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation of UG from 2016-2020 and as Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of UG from 2012-2016. Since 2015, he has served as vice-chairman of the Committee on Analytical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and since 2016 he has been vice-president of the Division Green Chemistry of EuCheMS. He was the representative of Poland in the Joint Programming Research team of the European Union (2010-2012). From 2007 to 2010, he was chairman of Division III of the Gdansk Scientific Society. He is also a member of the Polish Chemical Society (since 1997), the Marine Chemistry Section of the Marine Research Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (since 1996), the Gdańsk Scientific Society (since 2006), the Kashubian Institute (since 2017) and the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry SETAC (since 2018). Throughout his scientific career, he actively seeks funding for UG research from both domestic institutions (KBN, MNiSW, NCN, NCBiR) and international institutions (EU, NATO).


Professor at the University of Gdańsk, Post-Doctoral Degree in economic sciences in the discipline of Management and Quality Sciences. In the 2024-2028 term of office, Vice-Rector for Development and Finance at the University of Gdańsk, as well as a member of the University Senate. In the years 2016–2024, he held the position of Vice-Dean for Science and Part-Time Studies at the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk, during which time he also served as Chairman of the Council of the Discipline of Management and Quality Sciences at the University of Gdańsk, was a member of the Council and Recruitment Committee for the Doctoral School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk and the Editorial Board of the University of Gdańsk Publishing House. In the years 2018-2024, he was the head of the Department of Strategic Development at the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk. He is the author of over 150 scientific publications, mainly devoted to the issues of strategic management, bankruptcy and restructuring of enterprises. He was awarded the prestigious Jan Uphagen Prize of the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk for scientists in the category of humanities for his research on forecasting and multidimensional analysis of bankruptcy of business entities.


Manager in the Investment Support Department of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, specializing in issues related to public aid. She holds a master's degree in law and a bachelor's degree in finance and accounting. In her work, she focuses on investments support and advice on available investment incentives.


She manages the Horizontal Contact Point Northern Poland (HPK PP - Pomeranian, Kuyavian-Pomeranian and Warmian-Masurian Voivodeships) for the EU Horizon Europe framework program, which has been operating since 2022 at the Gdańsk University of Technology. She participated in the preparation and implementation of projects financed by EU framework programs. She advises and supports applicants and project participants of the EU Horizon Europe framework program. From 2007 to 2021, she managed the Regional Contact Point for EU Framework Programs (RPK - Pomeranian and Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeships) at the Gdańsk University of Technology. Author of presentations on various aspects of preparing and implementing projects financed by the 7th EU Framework Program, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.


Since 2021, director of the Technology Transfer Office at the University of Gdańsk, manager of the Incubator of Innovation 4.0 project, which aims to support the management of research and development results, particularly in the area of commercialization. Since 2014, her professional work has focused on the commercialization of research results and technology transfer from universities to the economy. She supports projects aimed at science-business cooperation, technology audits, market needs research, the creation of implementation offers, and the execution of pre-implementation work.


Physicist, entrepreneur, strategist in the public and private sectors, consultant to consulting firms and international organizations. He has a unique and comprehensive experience gained in all sectors of the knowledge triangle. He has always been associated with the University of Warsaw, co-founder of the University Technology Transfer Center of Univ. of Warsaw, and since 2016 member of the Board of UWRC sp. z o.o. (a special purpose vehicle of the University of Warsaw), which supports the creation and development of academic spin-off companies. He participated in the establishment and manages a portfolio of more than 20 technology companies originating from the UW. For more than 20 years, he has been involved in building the innovation system in Poland, developing cooperation at the interface of science and business, creating business models, strategies and development of innovation-friendly organizations, seeking capital for business development, creating and implementing instruments to support innovation at the national and regional levels. He also uses his experience in cooperation with the European Commission and consulting companies, carrying out projects in countries formed after the collapse of the Soviet Union and countries of the Western Balkans.


Expert at the Main Information Point for European Funds in Gdańsk, within the structures of the Marshal's Office of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. She provides free consultations for anyone interested in obtaining information on the possibilities of support from European Funds.


Arek Kwoska is a serial entrepreneur, engineer, mentor, president and co-founder of Rebels Valley - a consulting company recognized by the Financial Times and Statista as one of the leading European startup hubs. With over 20 years of experience in the technology industry, he is bringing one of the largest global accelerators and the number one in Europe - Startupbootcamp - to Poland. His approach to connecting startups with other participants in the ecosystem, e.g. corporations, local governments, universities, and sports organizations, strengthens the innovation ecosystem. He is currently exploring the possibilities of using neuroscience in business, discovering new opportunities to strengthen people's potential. Managing Partner | President of the Board


Mateusz has been working at the intersection of business and IT for several years. He is currently responsible for the practical use of AI in one of the largest container companies in the world. Previously, he was involved in project management, products, consulting and automation, always helping business departments define problems and select appropriate solutions. A big fan of simple but effective communication, building self-sufficient teams and the concept of “servant leadership”. Lecturer at the Gdańsk University of Technology and speaker at many conferences in Poland and abroad. He spends his free time with his family and playing tennis and running. Currently halfway through his quest to complete the 6 greatest marathons in the world.


Marcin Marciniak is a professor of mathematics at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, University of Gdańsk. He obtained his PhD in 1998 with a thesis on quantum groups. Currently, he leads the Division of Mathematical Methods of Physics, where he specializes in mathematical physics. His work primarily focuses on applying functional analysis and operator algebra theory to quantum mechanics models and quantum information theory. He is also spearheading an innovative project to develop a model of sea waves around wind farms (Offshore Digital Twins), utilizing stochastic differential equations and artificial intelligence. This demonstrates his commitment to applying mathematical principles to solve real-world problems. For the past four years, Marcin has served as the Deputy Dean for Research at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, strengthening collaboration between academia and business in Gdańsk. Recently, he was elected as Dean for the upcoming four-year term.

Lukasz Rudnicki


A physicist working in the field of quantum information, with emphasis on quantum optics and open system dynamics. Received his PhD in 2012 at the University of Warsaw, while working in Center for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He further worked at universities in Freiburg and Cologne, and in Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen. He is a group leader at International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies at UG. He also represents Poland in Quantum Community Network, an advisory body of the EU Quantum Flagship.

dr Katarzyna Kujawska Skowrońska


Medical Manager at Roche Diagnostics Polska. She runs medical projects related to education and raising awareness among both doctors and patients. She is involved in the topics of women's health, cardiology and oncology. She is focused on increasing the availability of modern diagnostics for patients in Poland. She completed her doctoral studies at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. She has been an academic lecturer in the medical industry since 2005.


Vice-President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland
Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Lodz and postgraduate studies in the field of law of modern technologies at the Leon Koźmiński Academy in Warsaw. Legal counsel, since November 27, 2024, she has been the Deputy President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. She has been working for the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland since 2004. In 2010, she obtained expert qualifications in the Applications Department. From 2010 to 2016, she headed the Formal and Legal Research Division of the Applications Department, and from 2016 to 2024 she served as the director of this department. She actively participated in the implementation of key projects of the Office, including as the Chair of the Steering Committee of the project “Electronic Services Platform of the Patent Office (PUEUP)” and the Coordinator of office activities. She also dealt with the implementation of electronic documentation management at the UPRP. She participated in the implementation of international projects in cooperation with the European Patent Office (EPO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). She was also the Office's plenipotentiary in proceedings before administrative courts.


Expert at the Main Information Point for European Funds in Gdańsk, within the structures of the Marshal's Office of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. She provides free consultations for anyone interested in obtaining information on the possibilities of support from European Funds.


At Sii Poland since 2009. He currently holds the position of Senior Head of Industry, High Tech, Electronics & Industrial Engineering and manages over 1,600 engineers working on more than 400 projects for 50+ multinational corporations. His organization provides One-Stop-Shop services, including software development, testing, IT infrastructure, and engineering for key players in the high-tech sector worldwide.


An expert in the Regional Support Department of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency with over 8 years of experience in actively supporting the development of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. She specializes in attracting investments to the region and supporting Pomeranian companies in their international expansion. She is also involved in the development of the semiconductor sector in Poland.