Project consortium

By joining forces within a consortium of the University of Gdansk with other universities, companies, public institutions, associations and societies, we are able to carry out even very complex, highly specialized and demanding projects, with a high degree of risk.

The research teams and consortia we form include scientists representing a wide range of disciplines and specializations. Projects carried out in this way have a positive impact on the development of both science and the economy or technology.

The University of Gdansk has a number of projects successfully completed as part of consortia – the most spectacular successes have been in such research areas as chemistry, biotechnology, biology (especially projects related to the development of serums and vaccines), oceanography, investment project management or logistics.

These projects are carried out together with many Polish universities (e.g. Gdansk Medical University, Gdansk University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Wroclaw University of Technology, Warsaw University, Jagiellonian University), as well as with foreign universities such as: Universidad de Concepción (Chile), Universidad de Cádiz (Spain), University of Malta (Malta), Christian Albrecht University of Kiel (Germany), Université de Bretagne-Occidentale (Brest, France), University of Split (Croatia), Parthenope University of Naples (Italy), Nord University (Norway), and University of Algarve (Portugal).

Working together in a consortium facilitates the exchange of experience and enables synergies. Willingness to cooperate under a consortium agreement can also be an important condition for, for example, applying for a grant or participating in a tender. We invite you to benefit from the experience of the Technology Transfer Office. If you are looking for a reliable partner for a project consortium and expect support in organizational and legal issues – please contact us.